World Olive Production by Country

Countries by Olive Production.

  • Spain is the largest olive producer in the world with 8,256,550 tonnes production per year.
  • Greece comes second with 3,240,063 tonnes yearly production.
  • With 2,270,630 tonnes of production per year, Italy is the third largest producer of olive.
World Olive Production by Country
Country Production (Tons) Production per Person (Kg) Acreage (Hectare) Yield (Kg / Hectare)
Spain 8.256.550 176,954 2.623.290 3.147,4
Greece 3.240.063 300,892 903.080 3.587,8
Italy 2.270.630 37,571 1.129.000 2.011,2
Turkey 1.738.680 21,516 889.168 1.955,4
Morocco 1.590.504 45,738 1.104.083 1.440,6
Portugal 1.375.750 133,684 380.410 3.616,5
Egypt 976.062,76 10,011 99.102 9.849,1
Algeria 704.619 16,561 440.008 1.601,4
Tunisia 700.000 61,155 1.280.811 546,5
Syria 566.042,94 30,958 693.106 816,7
Saudi Arabia 382.105 11,436 31.864 11.991,7
Argentina 341.036,76 7,665 123.703 2.756,9
Libya 173.259,8 26,775 235.500 735,7
Jordan 172.061,32 16,817 59.442 2.894,6
Peru 147.010,92 4,706 28.296 5.195,5
Lebanon 144.327,18 23,685 66.654 2.165,3
Chile 130.360,26 7,418 21.364 6.101,9
Australia 115.961,79 4,629 47.877 2.422,1
Iran 115.006,85 1,407 41.627 2.762,8
Albania 110.164,5 38,381 48.723 2.261
United States of America 91.630 0,28 14.569 6.289,4
Israel 70.000 7,858 28.293 2.474,1
Palestinian Territories 67.551 14,846 40.587 1.664,3
Iraq 33.314 0,847 8.170 4.077,4
Mexico 32.322,74 0,259 9.452 3.419,8
France 27.560 0,41 17.010 1.620,2
Croatia 23.870 5,694 19.940 1.197,1
Cyprus 16.950 19,829 9.700 1.747,4
Uruguay 16.714 4,767 5.024 3.326,8
Macedonia 11.966,36 5,766 5.559 2.152,8
El Salvador 11.228 1,69 5.508 2.038,5
Afghanistan 7.650,7 0,242 2.102 3.639,2
Brazil 3.417 0,016 2.121 1.611
Taiwan 2.628,1 0,111 316 8.315,8
China 2.628,1 0,002 316 8.315,8
Azerbaijan 1.510,5 0,153 4.365 346,1
Slovenia 920 0,445 1.490 617,4
Bosnia and Herzegovina 839 0,222 495 1.695,6
Kuwait 641,16 0,152 60 10.662,4
Montenegro 325,02 0,522 193 1.685,2
Uzbekistan 119,95 0,004 137 873,7
Malta 60 0,126 63 952
Ireland 0 0 0 N/A
Poland 0 0 0 N/A
Czech Republic 0 0 0 N/A
Romania 0 0 0 N/A
Latvia 0 0 0 N/A
Luxembourg 0 0 0 N/A
Bulgaria 0 0 0 N/A
Belgium 0 0 0 N/A
Finland 0 0 0 N/A
Hungary 0 0 0 N/A
Sweden 0 0 0 N/A
Germany 0 0 0 N/A
Austria 0 0 0 N/A
Lithuania 0 0 0 N/A
Slovakia 0 0 0 N/A
The Netherlands 0 0 0 N/A
Denmark 0 0 0 N/A
Estonia 0 0 0 N/A

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